Course Syllabus


Guest Lecturer:

Teaching Assistants:

Times and Venues:

  • Wednesdays, 15:00 - 16:20, Room 5583, Lifts 27-30 
  • Thursdays, 15:00 - 15:50, Room 2404, Lifts 17-18
  • Fridays, 15:00 - 16:20, Room 5583, Lifts 27-30 

Every session is a mixture of lecture and lab/tutorial. 

Guest lectures and extra problem-solving sessions will be scheduled on zoom separately. They will be recorded and added to Canvas for students who cannot attend.


Recommended Textbooks:



Much of the syllabus and material, especially slides, were prepared by Prof. Mordecai J. Golin, who kindly agreed to share it with us. 



  • Homeworks: 4 x 10%, include both theoretical and coding problems
    • You will have a chance to resubmit each homework
  • Midterm Exam: 30%, pen and paper
    • Time: Friday, 22 March 2024, 19:30-22:30
    • Place: CYT-LTL
  • Final Exam: 30%, pen and paper
    • Time: Thursday, 23 May 2024, 08:30-11:30 am
    • Place: LG1 Table Tennis Room
  • Required Coding Practice: 0%
    • These are required and missing any of them leads to a grade of F

Policy on Plagiarism:

  • Students are expected to follow the HKUST Academic Honor Code.
  • All files submitted by the students must be 100% their own individual work.
  • All work submitted for grading, e.g. assignments and codes, must be your own. You are permitted to discuss  problems with other students but you must write-up all solutions by yourself, in your own words. If you got the main idea for a solution from another student or a web-site you must acknowledge that source in your submission. 
  • You are not allowed to copy code from any source, even if you acknowledge it.
  • Submission of non-acknowledged material will be considered as plagiarism.
  • You are not allowed to use ChatGPT or similar tools.
  • We have a zero-tolerance policy on plagiarism. The minimum penalty is a grade of F for the whole course.


Written Assignments:

Important notes on how to answer questions that involve designing an algorithm: Your solution should consist of all of the following 4 components:

  1. the main ideas of your algorithm (This will help you gain partial credits if your algorithm is not completely correct),
  2. pseudocode or plain language description of the algorithm (must be detailed and exact, to a level that allows implementation with ease),
  3. a tight asymptotic analysis of the running time of your algorithm, and 
  4. a proof of correctness for your algorithm (especially for greedy and graph algorithms)

The proofs must be written rigorously and with consistent mathematical notation.

A secondary  benefit of working on the assignments is to prepare for the exams, because exam questions are often variants of assignment problems. For this reason we encourage you to spend time alone thinking about each problem and your approach in solving it. You are allowed to and encouraged to discuss assignment problems with your classmates. However, you must write up the solutions on your own. In particular:

  • Assignment solutions must be written in your own words (not copied or modified from someone else's write-up). If you see someone else's write-up, that's already plagiarism.
  • You must understand your solution and its derivation. (I may randomly ask you to explain your solution to me.)
  • You must explicitly acknowledge in writing in the assignment your collaborators (whether or not they are classmates) or any other outside sources on each assignment.
  • Failing to do any of these will be considered plagiarism, and will result in a failing grade in the course and notification for appropriate disciplinary action.


LaTeX Requirement:

All written assignments must be submitted as high-quality pdf files generated by LaTeX. We do NOT accept any other formats. Handwritten files or files generated by other typesetting software will be rejected without grading. If you are not familiar with LaTeX, is a great resource.

Programming Language:

This course uses standard C++ as its sole programming language. All codes must be submitted in .cpp format and will be compiled using the latest version of g++ on Ubuntu.