Course Syllabus


Instructor: Prof. IP, Ivan Chi Ho
Office:  Room 3483 (Lift 25-26)
Office Hour: Send me an email, or arrange a Zoom meeting



Teaching Assistant: He Hongren
Office:  Room 3214
Office Hour: Send me an email, or arrange a Zoom meeting

Class Hour and Venue:

L1 Tue Thur 16:30 - 17:50 Zoom (Meeting ID: 951 0111 3405)
LTK (Starting from Sept 29)
Ivan Ip
T1A Fri 19:00 - 19:50 Zoom (Meeting ID: 953 973 8296)  He Hongren


Click here for Immediate Review of Lecture Slides

Class Photo

Course Description:

This is the first in the sequence MATH 2131 – MATH 3131 of honors courses in linear algebra and abstract algebra, with particular emphasis on rigorous mathematical reasoning.

This course will cover the basics of linear algebra over any field.

Topics include: abstract vector space, linear transformation and matrix, determinant, inner product space, spectral theory, positive definiteness, complex matrix, invariant subspace, canonical forms, quotient and dual spaces.



Grade A in AL Pure Mathematics; or grade A- or above in MATH 1014/MATH 1020/MATH 1024

Exclusion: MATH 2111, MATH 2121, MATH 2350
Credits: 4



  • The course will be based on the Lecture Notes written by the instructor.
  • Please print out or download the Unfilled Worksheet to every class.
    We will work through the problems during the lecture.
    Worksheets are organized according to Lecture Notes Chapter.
  • Lecture Slides and Lecture Videos will be available after class.
  • Tutorial Problem Sets will be discussed during the Tutorial Session. Please try them out before attending the tutorial. Solutions are available after each tutorial.


Grading Scheme:

Homework 30%
Midterm Examination  30%
Final Examination 40%


Letter grades will be assigned depending on overall performance. 
Obtaining a total point of 90% or above, or top 10%, will guarantee an A+.
Obtaining a total point of 70% or above, or top 50%  will guarantee an A-range.
Obtaining a total point of 30% or above will guarantee a passing grade.


Problem Sets:

  • There will be 6 Homework Sets during the semester, counted 5% each.
  • Homework will be announced on Tuesday, and due on Sunday 25 days later.
  • Only submit your HW through Canvas. See the instructions here.


Additional References:

(1) Linear Algebra Done Right, by S. Axler
(2) Linear Algebra Done Wrong, by S. Treil
(3) Linear Algebra, by J. Liesen and V. Mehrmann


Online Resources: (YouTube Channels)

Further Information, Intended Learning Outcomes and Tentative Schedule are available here.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due